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Financial Prosperity Three Part E-Book Series

Don’t start investing....YET! ⬇️

• if you are still struggling to face your past money decisions
• if you are carrying a lot of money baggage or money trauma
• if you haven’t created an aligned budgeting strategy
• if you have no emergency fund
• if you have high interest credit card debt that’s costing you $$$$ in interest every month


You are not in a rush. You are running on divine time! So I invite you to honor all aspects of your money journey. Even if it means not jumping into investing right away!

I say this because I want you to be confident, knowledgeable, prepared and calm when you enter the financial investing realm.

I don’t want you dragging a huge bag with all of your limiting beliefs, fears, myths & more (aka money baggage).. with you everywhere you go.

When you start investing in the market with unhealed money baggage, you will get triggered⤵️

• when the market corrects itself &
• when you over invest without managing risk or your budget

BUT, when you start with investing in your learning and healing BEFORE investing through the healing and growth is where the magnificent life that is meant for you, awaits.

You are worthy and so capable of living your dream life. Always remember this truth! 

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